0 &I Agree 1 I &Agree 2 I A&gree 3 I Ag&ree 4 I Agr&ee 5 Unregistered 6 (Evaluation day %d of 30) 7 (Registration overdue - Grace day %d of 14) 8 %d DAYS PAST AGREED EVALUATION PERIOD! 9 Almanac 10 Copyright © 1988-1994 Leonard A. Gray 11 Licensed for use by 16 Not enough memory to complete operation. 17 File error encountered expanding %s.ALD. 18 Almanac cannot locate a valid [evaluation] or [registration] section in your ALMANAC.INI configuration file.\n\nYou must re-enter your registration information, or re-install Almanac with SETUP to reset your 30 day evaluation period. 32 Category,Last,First,Salut,Title,Company,Address1,Address2,City,Region,PostalCode,Country,BusPh,HomePh,FAXPh,OtherPh \n 33 Not enough memory to read phonebook data base.